Become an ABK Scurry Club
Interested in becoming an ABK Scurry Club? Want to host ABK Scurry events? Any organization, business, individual and/or club can host ABK Scurry events!
All ABK Scurry Events must be held according to the Official ABK Scurry Rules.
Clubs are required to maintain a book of records: (no official form required, however, the record must contain all entries for the day of events including the dog's name, dog breed, dog age, owner name and contact information, entries for every scurry ran, and the final judged time for each run). Clubs may choose their own cost for entries, however $5 from each entry fee must be sent to Apple Blossom Kennels, along with a copy of the record book entries for that event, within 10 business days after hosting the event.
Clubs are required to offer rosettes for winners of each scurry: Clubs have the freedom to choose the exact rosettes they offer. We only require that somewhere on the rosette it say "ABK Gundog Scurry". Clubs can choose the size and color on their own, and any other designs (as long as it remains family friendly: ie. nothing even remotely offensive in nature). We require that clubs offer at least a rosette to each winner of each scurry, however, clubs may offer more rosettes or ribbons to other placements as well.
Clubs are required to have posters at each Scurry location outlining the rules for that scurry: Clubs must display on a poster outside of the scurry event, the general rules for that scurry, so that competitors and passers by can easily view what the scurry is for that location and what is expected of them. Posters can be created and laminated to be used over and over again, or new posters can be obtained for each event. All posters must include the official scurry name on them.
Each Scurry location must have a leader board: Each scurry location must also have a leader board displaying at least the top running time for the day. The club may display more running times, but at least the top running time is required. When a competitor receives a faster time, that time must then be updated with the new leader.
Best Dressed Award: Each club will offer a prize for best dressed in authentic British hunting/country attire. How the club decides that award is up to them. However, authentic attire (not comical or exaggerated) is what should be awarded.
Strongly encouraged but not completely required: It is strongly encouraged that clubs run their scurries in combination with other British style game fairs and British style "country fair" events. Offering vendors including food and drink, and creating a very relaxed and fun atmosphere for people and their dogs to spend the day, is also strongly encouraged, as well as having club members and those organizing the event for the day, dress in traditional British hunting/country attire. We also suggest that prizes be British related when possible, such as British game bags, hunting attire, tea, British ale, gift certificates for British brands and UK style gundog trainers, etc. It is also strongly encouraged that any club soliciting donations from commercial entities (small businesses, corporations, individual businesses etc.), ensure that those entities receive promotions of their business and/or products, such as promoting on your website, social media, at the event, signage, banners, other branding opportunities, etc. to ensure donors receive promotion in return for their donations. This helps ensure your club continues to receive high quality donations and that commercial donors working with your club, while hosting an event in association with Apple Blossom Kennels, continue to have a positive experience with our organizations.
To apply to become a licensed ABK Scurry Club. Send an email to with the following:
Your organization/business/club name:
Representative of the Club-First and Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Information about your organization/business/club, including if you have any experience hosting other dog events, and where you will be holding ABK Scurry events.
Once we receive your email we will review the information and contact you with further information or approve your application without further discussion. Once approved you can host ABK Scurry Events and your competitors can start earning titles and awards and be in the running for an invitation to our National Scurry Competition!